Effective human resources policies for businesses in Maryland
If you own or manage a business in Maryland, you likely believe that a proactive approach may anticipate potential areas of conflict and could avoid protracted and costly litigation. Disputes cause by the actions of employees or disagreements with former employees are often particularly challenging, but they can often be prevented with clear policy and procedure guidelines and effective employment contracts.
You may be able to prevent many workplace disputes by providing employees with well defined boundaries. Access to the Internet is often necessary for employees to perform their duties, but malicious software can infect networks and impact entire organizations if this privilege is abused. The use of company email accounts may also lead to problems when employees voice controversial opinions or make disparaging comments about customers or suppliers.
A well written employee handbook should also clearly state your organization’s stance regarding workplace harassment and discrimination. These accusations can both sap the morale of your workforce and cause your customers to question their decision to do business with you. Other problems could involve former workers moving to a competitor and sharing company secrets or attempting to convince key employees to join them. You may be able to avoid litigation over these matters by ensuring that employees with access to sensitive data sign effective non-compete and nondisclosure agreements.
Our attorneys have extensive experience in this area, and we can help avoid this kind of dispute by drafting, or reviewing and amending if necessary, employee handbooks and employment contracts. If these documents are effective, you may be able to foster long term relationships with your employees and focus more of your efforts on consolidating and growing your market position. If you would like to learn more about how a proactive approach could avoid
business litigation, please visit our page containing information about the subject.